MAE 214 Solid Mechanics

Instructor:     Dr. Jon Ryu (EBIII 3413, 919-515-5235),

Text:   Mechanics of Materials-Connect Access with Ebook, 7th Edition, Beer, Johnston, DeWolf & Mazurek, McGraw Hill; (ISBN: 9780077625207)

Prerequisites: Grade “C” or better in MAE 206

Course Outcomes:

Through the study of MAE 214 the student will be able to:

  1. Apply linear elastic material laws to calculate deformations of deformable bodies
  2. Integrate deformable body concepts with static equilibrium to solve statically indeterminate problems
  3. Model simple beams
  4. Design a structural component including the concept of factor of safety
  5. Interpret two dimensional stresses and strains using coordinate transformations
  6. Calculate maximum normal/shear stresses and strains
  7. Model thin walled pressure vessels.



Academic integrity. Students should refer to the University policy on academic integrity found in the Code of Student Conduct (found at  It is the instructor’s understanding and expectation that the student’s signature on any test or assignment means that the student contributed to the assignment in question (if a group assignment) and that they neither gave nor received unauthorized aid (if an individual assignment).   Authorized aid on an individual assignment includes discussing the interpretation of the problem statement, sharing ideas or approaches for solving the problem, and explaining concepts involved in the problem.  Any other aid would be unauthorized and a violation of the academic integrity policy.   Any computer work submitted must be completed on your own personal computer or from your own eos account to avoid confusion about the origin of the file, and no sharing of files in any way is allowed.  All cases of academic misconduct will be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct.  Students found guilty of academic misconduct will be subject to, at a minimum, a zero on the assignment in question, up to a zero for that course component (e.g. a zero for the homework portion of the final grade), or a failing grade in the course, depending on the nature of the violation.  In addition, if you are found guilty of academic misconduct in the course, you will be on academic integrity probation for the remainder of your years at NCSU and may be required to report your violation on future professional school applications. It’s not worth it!

Homework. Homework will be assigned once a week. Students will submit homework through the Moodle website. Internet-based e-learning platform will provide feedback immediately after the submission.

Late homework. Late assignment will receive a percentage deduction of 10% for each day.

Exams. There will be two exams during the semester and a comprehensive final exam. A formula sheet will be allowed (1-page in letter size for Exam 1 & 2; 2-page in letter size for Final exam; nothing else will be allowed) during the exams. You are strongly recommended to review the lecture notes and read the textbook following the exam study guide provided by instructor.

Test and homework grading. If you believe that an error was made in grading the homework, you should write a short justification of your claim and attach it to the original homework assignment (or test) in question. Submit the written justification and original work by email to TA. The TA will review your submission and respond to you directly. The “statute of limitation” for submitting such claims is one week after the homework or test is returned.

Missed tests and exams. If you miss a test or exam with either a justifiable excuse or prior instructor approval, you will take a makeup test at a designated time during the last week of the semester. The makeup exam will be fair but comprehensive (covering all the course material) and challenging. Tests missed with justifiable excuses or prior instructor approval will be dealt with individually. Only one missed test can be made up. Note: if you show up to take a test, you must take the grade – you cannot decide mid-way through to walk out and take the makeup exam.

Examples of anticipated situations where a student would qualify for an excused absence are:

  1. The student is away from campus for an official university function, e.g., to participate in a professional meeting or as part of a judging team or athletic team. These students would typically be accompanied by a University faculty or staff member.
  2. Required court attendance as certified by the Clerk of Court.
  3. Religious observances as verified by Parents & Constituent Services (515-2441). For more information about a variety of religious observances, visit the Diversity Calendar.
  4. Required military duty as certified by the student’s commanding officer.

Calculation of course grade. A weighted average grade will be calculated as follows:

  • Exams (2) = 35% (15% and 20%*)
  • Final examination = 45%
  • Homework = 20%


Score 97 92-96.9 89-91.9 82-88.9 77-81.9 72-76.9 67-71.9 62-66.9 60-61.9 < 60
Grade A+ A A- or B+ B B- or C+ C C- or D+ D D- F

* The lower grade between the two exams counts 15%, and the other counts 20%.

If you fall into one of the “gray areas” (A- or B+, B- or C+, C- or D+), your grade will be determined by (i) whether your performance has improved or remained consistent (higher grade) or gotten worse, especially on the final exam (lower grade); (ii) class room activities (e.g. quiz participation).

Note: We do not curve grades in this course. It is theoretically possible for everyone in the class to get an A (or an F). Your performance depends only on how you do, not on how everyone else in the class does. It is therefore in your best interest to help your classmates within the limits of the academic integrity policy.